Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 4- Cleansing

So I was at work today and as I was drinking my meal and I got to thinking about Jesus and when He was baptized. Again John the Baptist baptized Jesus and John was an extension of God so God actually baptized His son. The whole reason that Jesus was baptized was not because He was setting an example, although He was setting an example, but the reason that Jesus was baptized was because He was being cleansed. John the Baptist was cleaning Jesus so that when the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus, Jesus was ready to receive Him. Then once Jesus received the Holy Spirit it tells us that At Once He was lead out into the wilderness. Then for 40 days and 40 nights Jesus fasted, and was cleansed of the only thing that He needed to be cleansed of which was the food that was inside of Him. And it's not that the food that was inside of Him was bad, but He was starting over. When we get cleansed with the Holy Spirit we start fresh, are a new creation in Christ. So what we were before is wiped clean and we start a new. Well since Jesus had no sin to be cleansed of the only way He could be cleansed was by fasting and getting that out of Him. In the same way I want to be cleansed of everything that is not of Him. I want Him to get so big in my life that all the sin nature, and thought of sin and desires I had before are gone and no longer have a place in my life. I am so filled with Him that the wants of the carnal nature are gone, and the desires of my own heart are no more. I speak with Paul when I say "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Let it be so in my life!!

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