Monday, September 22, 2008

Fast Modified

So I was talking with my wife and one of my biggest things I want out of my fast is to be a more Godly husband. However when I fast most of the time I don't eat, and this leaves no intimacy time with my wife where we just talk. This is a terrible thing because intimacy is a staple to a good marriage especially a Christ centered one. Well since she said to me that "We haven't talked since you've been fasting!" Well that made me feel like crap because it was defeating the purpose that I was trying to accomplish. I realized that I was being more religious than a Christian and me being religious was keeping me from being a Christ centered husband. So we came up with the compromise for me to eat 2 meals a week with her that I like to call "Intimacy Meals". I have left it up to her discretion on when I can eat and sometimes she gives me the option. They don't all have to be just me and her however at least one a week does. I like this idea because it allows me to eat (obviously I'm all for that) and we can look forward to talking together. I encourage you if you're married or in a relationship to take time to find "Intimacy Meals", they really are a good time and you'll enjoy them! I'm looking forward to this week because of them and know that Christ will be in the middle of them!