Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 1- The Goat

So I was reading in Mark 1 today and I saw that Jesus was lead out into the wilderness by the Spirit. Then I read my commentary and it said that it was a tradition that was performed in Leviticus where the priest would pray over the goat that all the people's sins were put into that goat and it was then lead out into the wilderness where there was a person who knew how to take care of it was waiting. Then the goat would release all of the sins into the wilderness. Well after Jesus' baptism it says that the Spirit lead Him out into the wilderness and it was saying that Jesus was in a sense the goat that the priest had prayed over. I have heard Jesus called many things but goat was never one of them. Well as we were heading home from Sam's Club and almost to my buddy Trevor's house, I got pulled over because my tags were expired. This is very frustrating because now I'm going to (because of my wife) contest the tags and have to drive all the way downtown and talk to a judge. This is not my idea of a good time. But at the same time I am happy, in a weird way, because it is like the devil is trying his best to get me down. Although the tags are my fault he is picking now to spring this on me. I just did a road trip yesterday that lasted over 4 hours and was totally fine. Well I am excited in all of this because as my good friend Quincy preached about one time in James 1:2 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." So I must persevere through this trial (literally) that I must go through. I thank God for giving me another day to experience His presence and get wrapped up in Him. Although I'm ready to gnaw off my arm and eat it, so tired and weak because I usually consume 5 times the amount of calories that I am today, I will give Him praise. Why will I do that? Because He is worthy, and I am unable to even experience these things without Him. Without Him my life is totally meaningless, so I strive towards Him, blindly trusting, and wanting Him with an addiction that can only be filled and satisfied with Him, I press on!

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