Sunday, August 16, 2009

Planes, Trains and Automobiles Part 2

So we get on the train in Fargo but not before we were unable to bring all of our things we had packed with us. We also found out that the train going to Cincinnati didn't allow for checked bags so the bigger things we would take with us wouldn't be able to make the entire trip. So we ended up with the plan to take the train to Chicago, after rearranging things, and then get a rental car in Chicago and drive back. Well while we were on the train I called to check and see how much it would be to drive back and it was something crazy like over 2,000. So we booked a flight from Chicago to Nashville, then Nashville to Columbus. Now there is a direct flight from Chicago however we couldn't get that one because we wanted to make sure we actually got on the flight and it was leaving earlier. So as we arrive in Chicago off the train of interesting people from a room that a man of my size should never sleep in. We got a taxi which was the most normal thing of the trip because nothing really went crazy with it. We arrived at the airport and while we were at the ticket counter the lady made sure that we were going to go through since there was an outside chance that we would not get on the flight. As we got on the plane I am normally scared to death of flying but this time I was so tired I just didn't care.

Ok so this has taken long enough to end. We got home, got a rental and then bought our minivan and lived happily ever after. So now it's done and I can move on to more important blogs, with more important topics like say...Jesus!!