Monday, September 1, 2008

120 Day Fast

So I feel as though I've fallen back into some of my old ways and need God to take control of my life in every way. I'm going to be fasting from today until the end of the year. That will be a total of 122 days. I've talked with my doctor and all is well so there is no reason to freak out like everybody in my family. I feel as though there are several areas in my life that need change and obviously getting closer to Jesus is the main reason but here are some reasons I'm going to be focusing on during this fast:

Scripture Reading
Being a Spiritual Leader
Weight Loss
Prayer Life
Sermon Writing

I just feel as though before when I fasted for 40 days that I had this closer walk with Him and more of a sensitivity to His movement. I want that back and I know that He will reveal Himself in a new and fresh way to me. I'm excited to dig deeper into the Word and write some sermons. I will be blogging weekly instead of daily because of the craziness that I call a schedule and I doubt anybody would want to read it daily. I'll try to include pictures this time and it will be more of what I'm experiencing and stuff like that. I'm excited and will obviously keep you updated.