Saturday, March 6, 2010

28 Random Things About Me

Why 28?  Why not?  Doubt anybody will read this or care, but thought I'd just put it on here for giggles.
1. I love Jesus more than anything or anybody in my life.
2. I hate meatloaf, coconut, beets, and liver.
3. I really like to play golf because it relaxes me.
4. I like to be alone more than people think. I know that people view me as an outgoing person, which I am, however I'm finding that as I get older I like to have my own time.
5. I can't stand it when people say the word "pacific" in place of "specific".
6. I hate politics!! I don't like church politics, or regular.
7. I have found that I really like to read. Now I'm not really fast, but I like it. My favorite books are generally books that challenge or stretch me spiritually.
8. My favorite soda is Barq's Red Cream Soda.
9. I have never been in a fist fight or any other kind of fight except verbal.
10. I really like to make websites, I think it's fun. You have to be creative while still being tech savvy.
11. I love to preach, for me I feel as though I'm fulfilling my life's purpose. When I don't get to preach I feel as though I'm not useful and don't really matter.
12. My high school mascot was a Cow Puncher, yes that's right a Cow Puncher.
13. I love to play Ping Pong!
14. I love to watch movies about Greatness, God and especially the Greatness of God!!
15. I hate shaving, it's so annoying but if you don't then you look scraggly and don't get kisses from your wife as I shave.
16. I have a dog and his name is Pickles Baptidzo Jones, he's two kinds of awesome. Awesome and More Awesome!
17. I love "Old Time" preachers who had that special fire in them. Their lips dripped with the Holy Words of God and the spoke as if it were their last time ever to preach. I want to preach like that.
18. One of my most favorite things in the world to do is to sit around with good friends and tell funny stories that happened to us that we've heard before and laugh like we're hearing it for the first time!!
19. I am scared of snakes, sharks, heights and bats.
20. One of my life long goals is to be a great communicator of the Gospel, not just preaching wise, but in all aspects of my life.
21. I would like to play golf in all 50 states, so far I've got 4 down.
22. I love my wife more than I love anybody (excluding Jesus). She is truly my best friend and we have a blast together.
23. I like tattoos if they have some sort of meaning behind them. Ones where you get them just because you like how they look I think are kinda dumb.
24. I am not a fan of sun roofs in cars. I like it as cool as possible most of the time, unless of course there is snow on the ground, but sometimes still I like it.
25. I eventually want to get a masters and doctorate.
26. My favorite cake in the world is HOMEMADE Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing.

27. Cell phones are to me like shoes are to women.

28. I have watched the movie Dumb and Dumber so much that I have memorized it. The problem is that I annoy myself when I watch it from quoting it so much I haven't watched it in years.

So there you go some random facts about me. Hope you enjoy!