Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the road again

Well Mindy and I are getting back into blogging and we reconfigured the setup so it looks SWEET now! Check her's out Smile Out Loud and obviously Mine! I think that I might try and make start a routine with my week, like Sermon Sunday's where I listen to a sermon during the week and post it on Sunday. Something like that. We'll see what happens, got any suggestions?

We're getting ready to pack up our stuff for a month on the road where we'll travel to Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Missouri (maybe Tennessee but we'll just have to see). I think this time will be better as far as our packing goes since we're a little more settled and know where things are. I'm hoping to narrow it down to the point we have a little wiggle room. It's nice to have a minivan when you're wanting to load enough stuff to live off of. I'm positive that we'll take some stuff out and add some stuff in.

One thing we're going to try and do different is eat at Subway and split a flatbread sandwich and then have our own chips and water. This way we don't have to have meat and stuff on hand, but still don't have to pay for a full meal. It may be cheap but that's how we roll.

I'm definitely excited to get back on the road, I don't really feel useful unless I'm preaching and since it's been a while I'm chomping at the bit. It's funny because before I started preaching if you told me that I would be driving 15 + hours to preach for 4 days I'd call you crazy. Now I'll do that no problem and even tack on a few hours. I guess I just love to share Jesus with people.

Well it's off to bed now so we can get up early and hit it hard with packing, loading, unloading, calculating, and laundry!!