Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 11- Unworthy Servant

Well I'm in Mark 1:7 and the verse reads "And this was his message: "After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie..." I began to think about how I am such an unworthy servant of Jesus. I don't even deserve to stoop down and untie His Nike's. Back in those days a servant that was the lowest of the low would always seem to have the feet job. Jesus when He washed the disciples feet, or John saying he's not worthy to even untie His sandals. They were always associated with the feet. I found that interesting and began to think about it and why the feet were the lowest part. But if you think about it the feet are pretty nasty, and back then well Ew. They walked everywhere, and can you imagine how nasty those toes got? I mean that must have been so nasty with the dirt and grime all ground into their toes. And then Jesus willing to stoop down and untie the disciples sandals and wash those dirty nasty feet, WOW not that's a servant. I wonder how I'm a servant in my own life? What areas are lacking because I'm not a servant? How can I be a servant in my own marriage, work, or friendships? The only way that can change is to have Him do the serving through me. It is the waiter at the table concept, of I'm just serving whatever He does through me and I don't know what's on the platter but I'm going to give it to you. And of course the dish is always served the perfect temperature, and texture, and the dish is always Jesus! I need to submit my area of servant hood over to Him because I am just unable to do it without Him. I have so many areas of my life that need servants in them and time after time I'm not willing to let Him be that through me. Lord be a servant through me to my world. Let them know that You live inside of me just by my actions alone, and not even needing to say anything. I live in a world that NEEDS You Jesus and I'm longing for You to move in a way of such that is a radical change (unfortunately). Be the change that my world and I need, shake my thinking and actions by taking away my carnality and living through me a life of servant hood.

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