Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cross Style

I recently have become a Cross Style Evangelist, which in my book means quite a bit. I'm very excited because to me the people of this organization are top notch. I buy into the views and and practices they abide by. One example is that embracing the Cross is not a one time thing but it is a "style" and a continual process that must take place in order to live a Christian life. One other thing is Saturation in the Word, which is taking one piece of scripture; word, verse, section, chapter and saturating in it. Just reading it over and over, finding the meaning of why it was written and who the author was. Getting to the root meaning of words and finding out why that word or group of words was used in that context. Just believing in an inspired Word and not an inspired man. Loving Jesus with all my heart I say that I must get closer and closer to him!

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