Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Souless Church

I read this in one of my courses and it really got me to thinking so I feel like I need to share this.
"The church has lost its soul. The quest for contemporary relevance has led it down the path of increasing irrelevancy and marginalization. The stream of historic orthodoxy that once watered the evangelical soul is now damned by a worldliness that many fail to recognize as worldliness because of the cultural innocence with which it presents itself. This is characterized by a decline of Christian content in teaching and preaching, with an accompanying interest in self-help programs that merely promise a better management of everyday crises."
Where are our souls at today? Have we become so wrapped up in keeping up with the times that we've lost the focus of Christ? Do we "do" Christianity and make sure it's up to date, or do we not care if it's up to date and just live in His flow? Where do we stand as individuals, as a church, and as The Church? This makes me question where I'm at as a Christian and where I need to be. I hope this speaks to your heart.

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