Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 32- Demons In The Synagogue

In Mark 1:21-28 it talks of Jesus driving out a demon that was in a man. What part I found interesting on this was the fact that the demon was possessing a man that was in the synagogue. Have you ever thought that there is no way that a demon or satan himself could never be in church? I know I have before because we always view church as a sacred and safe place. However this tells us that the demon was in church, and I wondered how could this be? The fact of the matter is that we can bring demons, or even satan himself into the church. Then the question has been asked before what is church? Is church a building with 4 walls and a roof? Of course not, we are the new houses of prayer so WE ARE THE CHURCH. It is not the building we go to, we compile the church itself and when we get together we are a unified church because the Jesus that lives inside of me is connected with the Jesus that is inside you and it's a glorious time of worship and praise because we just can't help ourselves. So how then do demons or does satan break into this sacred ground that we call church? The answer is simple and disturbing, we allow him to come in, and of course when we allow him to come in then Jesus leaves. We often times have a hard time grasping this however you can't have both satan and Jesus living in the same house, I mean talk about a conflict of interest!! You can't have the pure divine nature of God living inside of you and the carnal, dark, self serving nature of the devil living in there also. It is impossible!!! I know that back in the 90s the popular thing was to have a ying yang. It is a circle and it's like two curved tear drops and one is black and one is white. In each side there is a dot of the opposite color in them and this signified that there was a little good in all evil and a little evil in all good. Of course I had one of these things and didn't comprehend the fullness of what it meant, but now I look at that "symbol" and get mad! I mean how can it say that Jesus has some bad in Him and that the devil has some good in him? That is just impossible, we know this because it says so in His word. 1 John 1:5-7 "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." So that being said, we cannot have both living inside of us, either we are this on fire beaming light for Christ or we are in the darkness that satan calls home. Which are you? Do you have Demons In Your Synagogue? Or are you a house of prayer that Jesus dwells in? Lord let me never think that I can be on the fence, or live in the gray area of You because I know there isn't such a thing. Let me be Your beam of light in a dark world!

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