Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 24- Spiritual Life

I was listening to this Pastor the other day and he was saying that we often refer to our "church life". Meaning anything that is associated with church or church things is our spiritual life. However he pointed out that everything is our spiritual life, LIFE IS SPIRITUAL and we are to live it as such. If we take God out of things that we do then we are limiting Him. I began to think of this as far as my life goes, how many areas of my life do I allow God in? How many I should allow Him in (which of course is all of them)? Why don't I allow Him to have His fingers mixing up all areas of my life? Instead of having a spiritual life that I put limits on God, living a spiritual life. I feel like the word have means to own something, but to live means for something bigger than you to control it. Maybe that's just my weird definition of what those two mean but it feels like that. I no longer want to have any dark corners that God doesn't know about and control, I want Him to be involved in my life and to live His life through me. Then and only then will I LIVE A SPIRITUAL LIFE!! So from now on "How is your spiritual life?", expect me to answer that my life is awesome! I want nothing outside of a Spiritual Life, may God be in the center of my eating, drinking, clothes, marriage, finances, friendships, work, driving, talk and any other areas that are invisible to me but He knows about. Let Him reveal those dark corners I didn't know I had and take them from me. Lord let my life be a Spiritual Life in You!

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