Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I was recently asked a question..."Are the hearers of these words being desensitized to the impact that is capable if only they would listen to the words?"

This was my answer to this question:

I think that too often we play church and seem to go through the motions. It is as though we are putting on a show on Sunday morning and everything has to be just perfect. However this says to me that the Holy Spirit can move as long as He follows the schedule. We have seemed to get off track with allowing the Spirit to move, not only in the way we worship, but also in the way we preach. We have become wimpy preachers and don't allow God to speak Truth to our people. We try to soften up the raw Truth that the scripture is. There is no unction or conviction when we preach. So are the hearers of The Word becoming desensitized? Well yes, but at the same time we are allowing them to become that way. I would love to be in a service where the Spirit actually moved and nothing went according to plan. That would be truly awesome and unfortunately it's seldom seen. I obviously am getting worked up about this, however this is the kind of stuff that matters to me, I want to hear Truth and have my toes stepped all over. I want conviction in my life, and I don't want to come on Sunday to hear a sermon about God. Rather I want to come on Sunday to meet God face to face. May the speakers of The Word not become desensitized to Him and may the hearers of The Word never stop seeking His face.