Friday, September 19, 2008

Respectful Hand Washing

In my class I'm takng (The Old Tesstament) we had to read some chapters in our book and comment on things that stuck out to me. So here is one of the things I wrote:

On page 600 of our text book I found the part where it says “The rabbinic ruling, which reflected the value of the books, discouraged irreverent mishandling of them by insisting on the washing of hands after touching them.” I find it very interesting that they took it so seriously that they were even handling the Word of God that they had to wash their hands. It makes me think of how they were with the very name of God and how they wouldn’t speak it. I think of how we as modern day Christians handle the Word of God and His name. Do we view God in such reverence as they did or do we view Him as an obligation. They didn’t look upon reading the scriptures as something they HAD to do, but rather something they got to do. I want to live in that spirit where I have a longing and passion for God and His Word. I want to show respect to it by preaching it with such passion and desire that others may see Him. I want to wash my hands with my life by showing others a life lived for Christ.

1 comment:

cory said...

maybe washing hands before might make good sense too. especially if you're sharing bibles. don't want to catch cold!