Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So it seems as we are coming close to August again that we are moving...again.  To be honest this is getting quite old as we have not been at one location or had one mailing address for more than a year since we've been married.  Now to some people this would sound awesome as you would get to move around a lot.  However when you're actually doing it, IT STINKS!!  It's hard to establish relationships when you're doing this and it's difficult to get any kind of patterns or have normalcy at all.  Now of course normal is a conditional word, however I'm just saying that you never feel settled. 

BUT, there's always a but, this time is going to be different.  The reason we're moving is because of an opportunity to serve Jesus.  Mindy and I have been offered a couple of positions that will allow us to continue serving Jesus as itinerant evangelists but also serve as a Director of a day care and a Pastor of Student Ministries and Outreach.  We are more than excited about this chance to minister in such a unique way.  We had already agreed in coming to the church for an internship for a month.  We just wanted to be used and seeing as we had no meetings for about a month we thought it best to go somewhere and serve.  We never dreamed that it would turn into something so huge and awesome!  

It's kinda funny because since we were going there already as interns it has turned into a month long orientation.  As we are preparing to start our "internship" we are noticing that little pieces are falling into place to make all of this happen which can only be defined as God moving.  So as we enter into another season of Moving.....Again, we embrace it.  Hopefully God doesn't have a sick sense of humor and move us again in a year, but if He does that's ok too.  We want to make this next move our last for quite some time and hopefully have a family in our sights.  No we're not looking to start one just yet so all you people saying that we're getting the baby fever need to just back off with that crazy talk!

Please be praying for us that God will use us in a mighty way and that His unction and power will be present and evident in our hearts!  I can truly say I am excited to go there and just love on some people.  I want to love them to the point they can't help but see Jesus and the Agape that He is!  There are some things that will be a challenge, especially at first, but for some reason there is an overwhelming peace in the midst of it all.  I'm thankful that we serve a God who is peace and when we pray for that He becomes it!  Jesus be a mighty force in the upcoming days and draw me in closer to Your will.  Thanks for moving me.....again!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Coffee = Low Calorie Treat?

I thought that these were interesting facts about coffee I stumbled upon. If you are like me and love the sweet smell of Java in the morning here are some things to consider when it comes to Calories.

Volume (oz)
Instant coffee
1 rounded tsp dry powder
4 Cal
Instant coffee
8 oz
4 Cal
Espresso Coffee
1 oz
1 Cal
Brewed Coffee
8 oz
2 Cal

McDonald's Cappuccino
16 oz
130 Cal
McDonald's Latte
16 oz
180 Cal
McDonald's Mocha
16 oz
330 Cal
McDonald's Brewed Coffee (Large)
16 oz
0 Cal
Dunkin Donuts Latte
10 oz
120 Cal
Dunkin Donuts Cappuccino
10 oz
80 Cal
Dunkin Donuts Mocha Swirl Latte
10 oz
230 Cal
Dunkin Donuts Brewed Coffee
10 oz
15 Cal
Starbucks Brewed Coffee
16 oz
5 Cal
Starbucks Caffè Americano
16 oz
15 Cal
Starbucks Caffè Latte
16 oz
220 Cal
Starbucks Caffè Mocha (no whip)
16 oz
290 Cal
Starbucks Caffè Mocha (whip)
16 oz
360 Cal
Starbucks Cappucino
16 oz
140 Cal
Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha (whip)
16 oz
560 Cal
Starbucks Caffe Vanilla Frappucino Blended Coffee (whip)
16 oz
430 Cal
Starbucks Hot Chocolate (no whip)
16 oz
330 Cal

Coffee Extras
Calories (per Tablespoon)
52 Calories
20 Calories
Whole milk
9 Calories
Fat-free milk
5 Calories
48 Calories
0 Calories
McDonald's Coffee Cream (liquid)
20 Calories
Plain nondairy creamer (powder)
33 Calories
Plain, light nondairy creamer (powder)
25 Calories
Flavored nondairy creamer (powder)
45 Calories
Flavored, reduced-fat nondairy creamer (powder)
40 Calories
Plain nondairy creamer (liquid)
20 Calories
Plain, light nondairy creamer (liquid)
10 Calories
Flavored nondairy creamer (liquid)
35 Calories
Flavored, reduced-fat nondairy creamer (liquid)
20 Calories

Saturday, March 6, 2010

28 Random Things About Me

Why 28?  Why not?  Doubt anybody will read this or care, but thought I'd just put it on here for giggles.
1. I love Jesus more than anything or anybody in my life.
2. I hate meatloaf, coconut, beets, and liver.
3. I really like to play golf because it relaxes me.
4. I like to be alone more than people think. I know that people view me as an outgoing person, which I am, however I'm finding that as I get older I like to have my own time.
5. I can't stand it when people say the word "pacific" in place of "specific".
6. I hate politics!! I don't like church politics, or regular.
7. I have found that I really like to read. Now I'm not really fast, but I like it. My favorite books are generally books that challenge or stretch me spiritually.
8. My favorite soda is Barq's Red Cream Soda.
9. I have never been in a fist fight or any other kind of fight except verbal.
10. I really like to make websites, I think it's fun. You have to be creative while still being tech savvy.
11. I love to preach, for me I feel as though I'm fulfilling my life's purpose. When I don't get to preach I feel as though I'm not useful and don't really matter.
12. My high school mascot was a Cow Puncher, yes that's right a Cow Puncher.
13. I love to play Ping Pong!
14. I love to watch movies about Greatness, God and especially the Greatness of God!!
15. I hate shaving, it's so annoying but if you don't then you look scraggly and don't get kisses from your wife as I shave.
16. I have a dog and his name is Pickles Baptidzo Jones, he's two kinds of awesome. Awesome and More Awesome!
17. I love "Old Time" preachers who had that special fire in them. Their lips dripped with the Holy Words of God and the spoke as if it were their last time ever to preach. I want to preach like that.
18. One of my most favorite things in the world to do is to sit around with good friends and tell funny stories that happened to us that we've heard before and laugh like we're hearing it for the first time!!
19. I am scared of snakes, sharks, heights and bats.
20. One of my life long goals is to be a great communicator of the Gospel, not just preaching wise, but in all aspects of my life.
21. I would like to play golf in all 50 states, so far I've got 4 down.
22. I love my wife more than I love anybody (excluding Jesus). She is truly my best friend and we have a blast together.
23. I like tattoos if they have some sort of meaning behind them. Ones where you get them just because you like how they look I think are kinda dumb.
24. I am not a fan of sun roofs in cars. I like it as cool as possible most of the time, unless of course there is snow on the ground, but sometimes still I like it.
25. I eventually want to get a masters and doctorate.
26. My favorite cake in the world is HOMEMADE Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing.

27. Cell phones are to me like shoes are to women.

28. I have watched the movie Dumb and Dumber so much that I have memorized it. The problem is that I annoy myself when I watch it from quoting it so much I haven't watched it in years.

So there you go some random facts about me. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the road again

Well Mindy and I are getting back into blogging and we reconfigured the setup so it looks SWEET now! Check her's out Smile Out Loud and obviously Mine! I think that I might try and make start a routine with my week, like Sermon Sunday's where I listen to a sermon during the week and post it on Sunday. Something like that. We'll see what happens, got any suggestions?

We're getting ready to pack up our stuff for a month on the road where we'll travel to Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Missouri (maybe Tennessee but we'll just have to see). I think this time will be better as far as our packing goes since we're a little more settled and know where things are. I'm hoping to narrow it down to the point we have a little wiggle room. It's nice to have a minivan when you're wanting to load enough stuff to live off of. I'm positive that we'll take some stuff out and add some stuff in.

One thing we're going to try and do different is eat at Subway and split a flatbread sandwich and then have our own chips and water. This way we don't have to have meat and stuff on hand, but still don't have to pay for a full meal. It may be cheap but that's how we roll.

I'm definitely excited to get back on the road, I don't really feel useful unless I'm preaching and since it's been a while I'm chomping at the bit. It's funny because before I started preaching if you told me that I would be driving 15 + hours to preach for 4 days I'd call you crazy. Now I'll do that no problem and even tack on a few hours. I guess I just love to share Jesus with people.

Well it's off to bed now so we can get up early and hit it hard with packing, loading, unloading, calculating, and laundry!!