Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Spirit Moves on the Dakota Teen Camp

So this past week has been crazy awesome as far as camps go! It has been such a good week for the movement of the Spirit. There is a sense of openness about the kids and counselors there that was incredible. The first night was good and there were a few kids that responded.

The second night came and the altars were flooded and even if the kids didn't come to the altar they were responding in their seats. I did not want to squash the movement of the Spirit so I would not say a closing prayer and end it. I would step in and pray for a continuation of what was going on every once and a while and battles were won, victories claimed and Satan lost that night for sure! Just when you think that night couldn't get any better one of the counselors felt the Lord impressing upon him that we should have a baptism service right then and there! Since there was a lake and we had ministers there we obeyed. That night 26 counselors and kids were baptized and it was a tremendous act of Christ upon us! We were excited to see what else God had in store with us!

The third night Jesus wasn't finished with what work He had started. The altars were so filled that you could hardly walk through to the stage. We did not leave the service until around 11:30 p.m. We were excited for what Jesus had for us the last night and couldn't hardly hold the anticipation!

The last night we had a sorta open mic thing where people could get up and tell how God is working in their life or something that happened at camp. It was very interesting to see how God was molding the teens and counselors. We all loved to hear the stories that were told and how somebody else's story sparked a memory. We had worship and I did not get up to preach until 11 p.m. I can truly say that's the latest I have ever stepped into the pulpit. I preached and gave the invitation to respond and they did! We did not leave the service that started at 8:30 until around 1 a.m. It was incredible and I can look back at the Dakota Teen Camp as a milestone of my life and how the Spirit moved upon the open hearts of a generation! What A Jesus!!